Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nas Daily Judges Your 60-Second Shorts -

Nas Daily Judges Your 60-Second Shorts
You all are a creative bunch. We put out the #StayHomeFilmChallenge and you all blew us out of the water. The rules were simple—make a 60-second film in any genre from the safety of your own home. We were flooded with amazing entries. And, frankly, we had a hard time choosing our favorites. Which is why we asked Nas Daily—the reigning king of the 60-second film—to be the judge. He joins Great Big Story producer Austin Brown (remotely, of course) to watch a few of our faves. SUBSCRIBE: #NasDaily #FilmChallenge #60Seconds This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world. Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: Make our acquaintance on Facebook: Give us a shout on Twitter: Come hang with us on Vimeo: Visit our world directly:

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